Following a recommendation by Indigenous Services Canada who are funding the project, Xatśūll First Nation has decided to hire Ecora to expedite the flood study on Hawks Creek.
Ecora will be working in combination with Xatśūll and Urban Systems. Urban Systems assisted with the temporary flood mitigation works constructed at Sonny Lane in 2021, and has been engaged to undertake floodplain mapping and long-term flood mitigation planning for Hawks Creek through the remainder of the reserve lands
The study needs to be completed in order for rehabilitation work to stop flooding on Mountain House Road and Sonny Lane to start. Initial plans were for the survey to be completed by now but COVID-19 resulted in delays due to reduced staffing.
Phase One of the study will be to estimate the peak flow during the 2020 flooding. Phase Two would be a hydraulic analysis to estimate flood levels at various points along the creek.
“We’re excited to have Ecora on board and are looking forward to completing the survey and commencing the rehabilitation work,” says Kúkpi7 Sheri Sellars.