The health station at Xatśūll offers a wide range of services. Some of these services are provided through the Soda Creek Band while others are made available through the Three Corners Health Services Society.
& Mental Health
Counselling for both mental health and addiction is available on a weekly basis in addition to the services of an Interactive Healing Therapist
A&D Treatment and Referrals
Free, confidential information and referral services are available for those in need of support with any kind of substance abuse issue (alcohol and drugs)
The Band and Three Corners offer transportation for medical appointments twice a month each
A physiotherapist comes out once a month to offer their services to our members
Nurses & Nurse
Nurses are available at the Health Station three days a week for things such as immunizations and TB testing. A Nurse Practitioner comes out once a week for those who don’t have a physician
Pre & Post Natal
These services can help mothers with everything from what to expect to help with breastfeeding often through things like lunch and learn programs
Home & Community
Home and community care is ideal for Elders who might have difficulty leaving their home and would like someone to check up on them
Child &
We help ensure children in our community are well cared for and can help parents or caretakers who might struggle to keep up and work through challenges. We also oversee children in care
In addition to these services, health offers a number of community services ranging from our Annual Family Camp to Elders Bingo and Meals on Wheels. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about one of our services, make sure to contact us.