COVID-19 funds available for Income Assistance clients will be distributed as gift cards, Chief and Council decided on Feb. 24. The gift cards will only be available for Income Assistance clients, as stipulated by Indigenous Services Canada, who provided the funding.
The funding is for the period from November to March, so the value of the gift cards will vary depending on whether someone was a client for that entire period or only part of that period.
“I think gift cards are good. They did appreciate it last round and they were being used,” says Social Development Coordinator Jennifer Stinson.
Kúkpi7 Sheri Sellars says she’s happy to see Income Assistance clients receive a bit of extra support.
“We know there are other members not on income assistance who need help as well, especially with how expensive groceries have become. We encourage any members who are struggling to make ends meet to come use our food bank. It doesn’t matter whether you’re working or not; whether you’re living within or outside of the community; it’s open to all members. We’ll also continue to look for other opportunities to assist all of our members.”
The gift cards won’t be available until the end of March at the earliest.