Chris Quon, was doing trails maintenance at Deep Creek Reserve when he found two lithic pieces and a shard of animal bone. He recognized them as artifacts from previous experiences doing archeology adding he was a little bit surprised.
“It was on a little bit of a hill. We don’t usually expect to find stuff like this. Especially on a trail that has already been made. This trail was here already a year or two ago.”
The find could just be a coincidence but it’s also possible there was something there at some point in the past, he says.
Glen Dixon, senior archeologist for Soda Creek Indian Band (SCIB, Xatśūll – Cmetēm), says they’ll mark the GPS location and take pictures of the area.
While there are no plans to expand on the trail, there are plans for potential housing in the area. This way they at least have references now and will have to bring our archeology company out before they start building, he says.
“There’s not much archeology that’s ever been done in Deep Creek. It’s all been in Soda Creek because that’s where they know the main village is.”
The area is still brand new to them archeologically but has old trap lines and hayfields, says Dixon.
“We still have to do a lot of work in this area. So it’s why it’s nice to have these young guys out here. They tell us about it. We come out and record it, take pictures, waypoint it and we have an idea next time,” he says. “This could end up being bigger.”
He says Chris and Aaron Quon have a good idea of what they’re looking for when doing trail maintenance.